• $72 billion worth of infrastructure projects to be fast-tracked by federal government

    Industry Insights by ECi Executive
    posted in Economy


$72 billion worth of infrastructure projects to be fast-tracked by federal government

Despite the controversy over the destruction of Indigenous heritage sites, the government is expected to fast-track the approval of mining projects in Western Australia to accelerate billions of dollars worth of infrastructure projects across the country. Joint assessment teams from the Commonwealth and state and territory government will work to slash approval times for the projects, worth a collective $72 billion in public and private investment.

Around 15 projects worth $72 billion in public and private investment will be accelerated, among these are The Brisbane to Melbourne Inland Rail project and road, rail and iron ore projects in Western Australia, the Marinus Link between Tasmania and Victoria, the Olympic Dam extension in South Australia as well as emergency town water projects in NSW.

The projects are expected to support more than 66,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Source: Link

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