• McGowan driving Job Opportunities and Economic Growth in WA by reconnecting with Europe

    Industry Insights by ECi Executive
    posted in Business News, Economy, Jobs and Recruitment


McGowan driving Job Opportunities and Economic Growth in WA by reconnecting with Europe

WA Premier Mark McGowan revealed plans to make WA the western hub for much of the world with direct routes to Johannesburg and Jakarta, in addition to a Perth-Rome direct flight.

The Premier said the Rome flight was the first time Australia has been connected to continental Europe and was a “great opportunity to establish WA as the hub for Europe”.

Mr. McGowan said he would look to recruit as many overseas workers as possible.

“We want to sell our State and make sure our State is prominent in Europe.”

“We’ll be doing forums, meetings and events, particularly in Ireland to promote the State to attract people who are health workers and tradespeople in areas we need,” the Premier said.

The Reconnect WA package is about attracting new workers and visitors, promoting the State on the world stage and boosting the economy further.

Source: Link 

Source: Link


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